

FINALLY! I can squeeze out alittlelittle of my time...
to update my blog post yay! HAHA
just finish my lab test and htw lar weyyy...was kinda susah
even I tried my best to fill in all the blank...but HAHA
you know...still left some questions in blank == totally no idea
and I update my blogpost just to share with ya how's my last weekend and my BIRTHDAY PRESENT! yea...present~gonna show off here...
but unlucky was I forgot to bring my pinky mia cable...so got to update 2moro~
nemai...I just wanna recommend a movie today! it was totally awesome!

yea ! SANCTUM ~~
is talk about the world biggest unexplored cave...
an underwater diving team, explorers
dive into the cave and experience a life threatening-crisis in the cave...
they got to seek for the unknown escape route to the sea
it was awesome because I never ever think that would be so terrifying
when in the cave...
everyone is asking me "is there any monster or aliens under the sea?"
NO!!! though it doesn't appear any monster under the cave...
but it was so impressive
since this movie reveal how mean a human will be when death comes to them...
and shows how panic and fear you are when in a narrow...
breathless...food-less, darkness and coldness environment !!!
whats makes me fear was the scene
when one of the explorer stuck in between a narrow cave!
and her oxygen pipe was leak !!
it means...no oxygen GG!!
wweeeee!! horrible~~
try to imagine that you are trapped in a little narrow box...no oxygen is provided...
only darkness there...and wth you can't even move inside the box...o.O
seriously I had nightmare after watching the movie XD
but what I had learn was the spirit of an explorer :
never ever give up to find the way out

and one of my favourite quote in this movie is:
NO GOD in this cave...
we all are just a dust that pass through this cave.

though some of my friend said this movie is too cruel and mean for them...
because the leader of the diving team decide to kill one of his team member
since his team member was injured badly in an accident
and his whole body bone was broken =/
and got to mention that they have no any medicine box beside them
and time is constraint...
so the leader made the decision to kill him and took away his useful equipment...
in order to keep others people survive...
so..hmmm what do you think about him?? cruel...
others team member claim that he doesn't have any right to take away people life
because he is not GOD...and he pop out the answer (my favorite quote)
in my opinion..there isn't about the 'right' issues...
since all the bones are broken...and he is suffering too
so I think he made the best decision...=/
wellll !!! super duper like those adventure moviessssssssssss !!!
I like challenging ! chi gek~~XDDD

hmmm... this few day I took some meat liao...
now eating fish pulak ><><
HELP~~ I don't want take meat anymorez!
I don't want take rubbish anymorezzz!!

